Osrs Easy Way to Get Bones to Peaches
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- Paying Your Way
- The Mage Training Arena
- Telekinetic Theatre
- Alchemist's Playground
- Creature Graveyard
- Enchanting Chamber
Bones to Peaches is a Members-only spell in Old School RuneScape, which takes four Earth Runes, four Water Runes, and two Nature Runes to cast (or, just two Nature Runes with a Mud Battlestaff). It requires 60 Magic to cast — although, unlike most spells in the regular spellbook, simply leveling up isn't enough to unlock it.
Have you got a Bones to Peaches-shaped hole in your Lumbridge & Draynor Achievement Diary? Do you want a way of sustaining yourself when you're out exploring dangerous areas? Do you just really like peaches? Whatever the reason you're looking to unlock Bones to Peaches, we've got you covered.
Paying Your Way

If you're not a skilled magician and just fancy transfiguring some Bones into Peaches, then you should consider using a Bones to Peaches Tablet. These can be crafted in your Player-owned house if you're feeling creative, but otherwise, you can simply buy them from the Grand Exchange. Using a tablet will have the same effect as casting the spell properly: all the bones in your inventory, up to Big Bones, will turn into Peaches on a single cast.
However, the tablet version of the spell has a couple of key differences from a regular cast. For one, you won't gain any Magic XP from using a tablet, although crafting the tablets does give you 35.5xp per tablet. Also, using a tablet doesn't complete the Achievement Diary task in the Hard Lumbridge & Draynor Diary.
If these tablets aren't for you, you could also consider using Bones to Bananas out in the wild for some free food. This only requires 15 Magic, which is much easier to achieve. However, this is discouraged since Bananas only heal two hitpoints per item, whereas Peaches heal eight hitpoints.
The Mage Training Arena

If you're not satisfied with casting Bones to Peaches through a tablet, be prepared for some grinding. The spell can only be unlocked in the Mage Training Arena, where you can buy it for 200 Telekinetic points, 200 Graveyard points, 300 Alchemist points, and 2,000 Enchantment points. This means you'll have to play each of the four minigames inside the Mage Training Arena for at least a few hours each, so we advise stocking up on the relevant runes beforehand so that you don't run out mid-grind.
The maximum level requirement for a minigame in the Training Arena is level 33 Magic for the Alchemy room, so if you meet the 60 Magic requirement to cast Bones to Peaches you're going to be fine. Another important note is that, since you'll need to provide your own runes for each minigame, you're going to end up losing a fair amount of GP. Refer to the individual minigame sections below to see exactly what runes and equipment you'll need.
When you enter the Mage Training Arena, talk to the Entrance Guardian by the front door to receive a Progress Hat. This will track how many points you've earned for each minigame, and you cannot earn points without it. Once you're got the Progress Hat and your runes, choose your favorite minigame and get going!
Telekinetic Theatre

This room will see you solving a series of pushing-block puzzles to guide a Statue to a given square on a labyrinthine grid. You'll be using Telekinetic Grab to pull the Statue around, so make sure you bring an Air Staff and lots of Law Runes. You get two Telekinetic points for solving a maze, but every fifth maze gives you eight points, so every five mazes will earn you 16 points. This means that to get the 200 points required for Bones to Peaches, you will need to complete a minimum of 64 mazes back-to-back.
Alchemist's Playground

On entering this room you will see eight cupboards. Each cupboard contains a different item, and the aim of the game here is to find the cupboard with the most valuable items and alch those for maximum profit. An on-screen dialogue box will tell you how much each item is worth, so this room may sound straightforward. But, the contents of the cupboards change every few seconds, keeping you on your toes as you search for the most valuable item.
Fortunately, there are only eight possible item layouts, meaning that, a lot of the time, searching one cupboard is enough to know where every item is. When you've found the money item, use High-Level Alchemy to alch it for 30gp each time. In this room, you earn one Alchemy point for every 100gp you earn, meaning that for the 300 points you need for Bones to Peaches you'll need to cast High-Level Alchemy 1,000 times, assuming you find the most valuable item in the cupboards every time. So, bring a Fire Staff and at least 1,000 Nature Runes.
Creature Graveyard

Here, the floor is littered with piles of bones, and there are Food Chutes scattered around the room. You are going to need to use Bones to Bananas (Bones to Peaches is better if you have it, but that's unlikely given that you're reading this guide). Find a stack of bones near a Food Chute and fill your inventory with bones, then use Bones to Bananas to convert your entire inventory into Bananas. These should then be deposited down the Food Chute to earn Graveyard points. You'll earn one point for every 16 fruit you throw down the chute. This may sound bleak, but you can pick up one of four types of bones from a pile, and each type yields more Bananas than the last when the spell is cast. Some bones yield one banana, some two, some three, and some four; you can tell the difference by looking at the sprite for each bone type in your inventory.
Know when to stop: don't keep collecting bones in your inventory if you've got enough to fill your inventory full of bananas when Bones to Bananas is cast.
Be careful, however: while in this room you will take constant damage. This means that you will need to judge when to eat bananas and when to throw them down the chute. You can make life easier for yourself here by bringing other food into the room, or by using the Redemption prayer alongside some Prayer Potions.
Each cast of Bones to Bananas requires two Earth Runes, two Water Runes, and a Nature Rune. Bring a Mud Battlestaff and a big stack of Nature Runes with you, and you should be fine. You'll need 200 points here for the Bones to Peaches spell so you shouldn't need many more than 200 casts.
Enchanting Chamber
In each corner of this room is a different type of gem, and you will get a bonus for using a certain type of gem within the room. Pay no attention to this, though: the time you'd spend moving between gem spots isn't worth the bonus. As soon as you enter, choose your favorite gem color and rush towards it.
You'll need to fill your inventory with gems from one of the many piles around you, and then when your inventory is full you should enchant all of these gems to turn them into white Orbs. Then, these Orbs should be deposited into a hole in the center of the room for points. You'll receive one point per Enchant cast for each level of the spell you're using. For example, you'll get six points if you're casting a level-six Enchant spell. So, bring a stack of Cosmic Runes as well as an elemental staff required for the highest level Enchant spell you can cast.
Although the points here come much faster than in the other minigames, this is offset by the fact that Bones to Peaches requires a whopping 2,000 Enchantment points to purchase. So, you'll still be here for a good amount of time.
Source: https://www.thegamer.com/old-school-runescape-how-to-get-bones-to-peaches-spell/
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