Other Ways to Say Easy to Get Along With


June 21, 2009 6:40pm CST

well, this is my first job after graduate from university this month. I have no idea on how to get along with my colleages, bcz ppls say working relationship isnt like our student relationship or any relationship in school..Its hard and tough. As a green hand, I tried my best to smile to everyone and helped everyone, be friendly to everyone. But there are someone who never smile to me always very cold...seems like he/she is the prince/princess in our center..i just feel a little bit afraid of them. while..some of my collleages are very good..always help me in familior with all things.... how about ur colleages ? are they very easy to get along with? wt will u do if they didnt act friendly to u? thanks so much for ur advice hv a nice day!

17 responses

22 Jun 09

It's never easy on a first day at work especially if it's your first job ever. I have always experienced being picked on my first days at work. I hate it. I think I'm just the type of person who tends to be bullied or something. That is why I really like to find a job online where I don't get to work with other people. There is this one lady at school who treats me like her servant. Other's are nice and warm and friendly except for this one lady. I wish I didn't have to work with her. I always dread going to work and face her. I wish I could be my own boss. That would be the most fantastic thing ever in my whole career!

• China

7 Jul 09

yes..to be my own boss is my dream..thats what i am working so hard to realize at current..i cant choose..but to select this life.. thanks for reading have a nice day

31 Aug 09

Hell BabyOrchid, sorry for this late reply I was away from myLot. Anyway, it's good to know you are working hard on it. I know some of us don't really have the privilege to choose the life we want to live. But with perseverance I'm sure we can realize our goal.

• Philippines

22 Jun 09

I understand your situation, it's really different when u are working. You need to be patient. soon you'll get along with them. Just do your job at least nothing will be said against you. Learn how to unwind with your college friends after work, so you have someone to talk to after work who can understand you.

• China

7 Jul 09

while, yes,if i need some helps..i will turn help someone who are good to me.. ahah they really help me a lot.that's made me much better after staying here thanks for reading hv a nice day

• Philippines

22 Jun 09

I totally feel different because i'm friends with my co-workers even outside of work. Well in your case, i suggest you just keep on smiling even if they don't smile back. Kill them with kindness.. You can't please everyone, but at least you know to yourself that its them with the problem, not you. But you know what? You're just new so that's probably the reason why they treat you that way, but for sure in the long run they will be nicer to you. Just always keep up the good work and they will notice your good deeds. Good luck!

• China

7 Jul 09

its really avery useful advice. i did in ur way..and after two weeks ..they all treat me good..at least smile back to me ..even not so warm smile.. but i am trying my best thanks so much have a nice day

• Philippines

21 Jun 09

well I understand your situation at first some of those people really don't get along with you some even hates you for no good reason but you have to live with it. the professional life is way different than school life it is always a constant competition be glad if someone considers you a threat to them because it proves you are really good. but don't be so boastful and always be humble to avoid more enemies

• China

7 Jul 09

thanks so much for ur words...i feel much better now.. they seem not so cold to me these days hehe best wishes

• United States

22 Jun 09

It is not easy to let everyone accept you as his or her friend. What you can do is to accept the positive part meanwhile neglect the negative part.

• China

7 Jul 09

yes,,thanks for ur wards hv a nice day

• United States

22 Jun 09

Co-workers definitely are a different story. They differ from friends because, unlike with your friends, you don't get to choose who you work with. I am lucky in that almost all of the people I work with are really cool. The few people I don't like, I simply avoid unless I have to work with them. Then, I keep it cordial and professional, but I don't try to reach out and be their friend, you know? I don't need friends badly enough to try to be a friend to everyone. It is just a fact of life that you are going to meet people in your professional realm that you will not get along with. Your degree of professionalism will be measured in how you handle those people. If you always handle yourself in a professional manner around them, regardless of how they treat you, it speaks volumes about your maturity and your ability to manage stress in a work environment. I hope that helps! Good luck in your new job!

• China

7 Jul 09

thanks so much for ur smart idea.. i am trying to get the meeting point from my own personality and their needs.. although i dont need to cater everyone's need..but i wanna try and prove that i can manage most thing without teaching. bcz i get my eyes,my ears..my brain..to see , to hear. to learn from others ,from my knowledge. hehe thanks so much hv a nice day

• Malaysia

22 Jun 09

My colleagues and I are easily getting alone and we are pretty close nowadays.When I first came to work here it was like a surrounding filled with strangers and I felt like quitting the following day but I chose not to do so and kept moving on and slowly I get to know each one of them.Now we all are very close and I even have time to go out for a movie,dinners and even hangout together after work and during the weekends.Life is good now with them around and I enjoy their presence and we worked together to get a lot of things done.To think of it they are really friendly and we are all under the same management and so why must we not be friendly to each other.

• China

7 Jul 09

I think i am friendly to everyone..but some of staffs just turn down ur smile..that's really depressed.. but anyway..i am doing much better on dealing relationship with associates now.. thanks for reading hv a nice day

• Philippines

22 Jun 09

Well in my case in my first job honestly I found it hard too to get along with most of my officemates since they don't share the same interests that I have and also sicne we are on a flexi time schedule we don't get to have bonding moments toegether. Now I have another job and since most of myy officemates are from the same school were I came from we get along well with each other. Just be yourself and try to understand how your colleagues feel and always treat them with respect. Surely you'll get along with them.

• China

7 Jul 09

thanks so much...i am trying my best to make everyone good.. just be myself..yes.. thanks for reading hv a nice day

• India

22 Jun 09

Not really. In my first company, when I joined, most my colleagues that I worked with were freshers like me. so they were helpful and good. But In my current one, there are so much bad ones. Many of them are also into back stabbing.

• China

7 Jul 09

i am very used to my current staffs after working together for 3 weeks/ so it would be easier for me the handle all staffs once u know their personality haha thanks for reading hv a nice day

• Malaysia

22 Jun 09

I also had experienced that before when I got my first job after I graduated from university. During the first day I stepped into the office, some are very friendly to introduce themselves to me, and also showing me around, introduced me to other colleagues, but there's also some colleagues who are acted very cool. It really takes time get along with them, and I am happy to say that So far I am getting very well with them. However, just be yourself and keep up your good work. Good Luck!

• China

7 Jul 09

yes, u are right...i just try to be not complain about life.. anyway working career isnt like student life so carefree.. hehe thanks for reading hv a nice day

• China

22 Jun 09

I think i totally understand how your feeling just like me..When i got my first job someone always pick up my 'mistake'.Even though it was not a big deal..I am tired for this stuff...I tried it.But it didn't work.we call this 'colleague relation ship' .So i quiet my job.And i found another one.I find this stuff exist every company.I think it won't continue so long.just let it be

• China

7 Jul 09

maybe u are right..escape isnt the final solution. this kind of people do exist everywhere...wt i hv to do is try to shoot them .and never let them hurt me.. that;s all hee thanks for ur nice reply have a nice day

• Malaysia

22 Jun 09

First of all, congrats on your first job. You're lucky to be landed with one right away, some might took months or even years to get one. Working relationship is different from students relationship. If things go well, you might end up at the same company for a long long years. But all you need to do is be yourself. You can't please everyone. Smile does help. Being friendly is good too. About the annoying colleagues, just let them be. They might be the princes or princesses, they're not the boss. Let them act all they want, just don't let them pick you. Good luck~~~

• China

7 Jul 09

wow..wt a sage advice..let them go.. yes..smile really the best gift to everyone..i saw some cool staff smile back to me after few days.. yes,i am much smarter now..i just try to ignore their reaction to me..i only care about my own.. all i do is smile and friend to others..if they dont wanna be friendly..then let them stay so cool hhaha thanks for reading hv a good day

• Philippines

8 Jul 09

Hello babyorchid, I'm still working at my first job after 'graduating' from University. At first, I was really quiet and didn't talk much at work. I really just wanted to observe and behave well until I got comfortable with my colleagues. They were really nice and friendly so I really enjoyed working with them. I even considered that a reason for staying at work. However, things happened and those good colleagues of mine went to another company and a good few are stil staying. Some of the new colleagues that I am now working with are not so good. I mean, well, they were good for the first few months but, they eventually have shown their not so nice behaviour. Before, I could easily talk to them but, now a days, I could sense that tension of not being recognized as their colleague. I have a same colleague who feels the same way but, he just ignores it as it wouldn't really grant him any benefit if he keeps on pondering about it so, I guess I am doing the same thing. I would only mingle with those that I am really familiar with while I would be strictly on business when it comes to those that I am not so at ease with. Sad but, everything couldn't be perfect or, wouldn't last if it were perfect from a point in time. (-_-")

• China

7 Jul 09

Different people take different manners,especially in the offices you cannot make all colleagues like you or force yourself to meet all co-workers,so just be yourself.I also have some colleagues who are not easy to get along with,I just smile to them at work and keep off them after work.Even sometimes I think,from my colleague's side,I am also a co-worker hard to get along with.

• China

22 Jun 09

oh,getting along with the other people or the member in your university is difficult to say to easy or hard,the case is complicate,there are a lot of factor that can effect this easy or difficult degree,such as the enviornment where you are in, or the peoples'characteristic,tempertation,or habit,knowledgement background,ect,but there are some desciplines in these relationships,firstly,you must be honestly to the people who are in around you,being honestly is not only a attitude but also a way to get along the other,if you have not a honesty man,you can get the other peoples' honest heart to you,are sure to get a regreement on this? secondly,you must train your mind to give some people needs,the point is very important things, there are so many case in the kinds,such as the people is in sad mood,or depreesion state,you can give them a enourage words to pick up their heart mood, the people are in difficult things,and can not solve it, but you can work out.through this ways, you can get some good and true friendship with your around people,small by small,little by little,you can get along well with your people.

• Indonesia

22 Jun 09

Well, there are many kinds of people you met at the office. There are people who like to socialize and genuine, others that highly valued himself so he won't talk to other people with lower position, others that like to gossips and spread secrets and lies to everybody, you will find people with various kind of attitude and behavior in the office..trust me. And it will never be an easy job to socialize with them. Sometimes if you are too nice, they can be a backstabbing b*tch and tell your boss something that you incidentally said. Especially I learn that women to women tend to do that envious attitude and just not cooperative with the newbies. But for a male to male or women to male, it is easier to bond with them. There are no standard of what you are doing, sometimes if we were asked to do something, it is just wrong no matter how we improve it. Working is hard, but if you positioned yourself good, everyone will like you, and believe me..sometimes people got promoted not because of his work but because his ability to build a relationship and socialize with others.

• Philippines

22 Jun 09

I'm a registered nurse by profession here in the Philippines but due to low employment I am currently doing volunteering work at a government-owned hospital in our place at a pediatric department. So far with my working experience there for a little over three (3) months, it has been good except for a few little things. There are always co-workers who thinks above you just because they are staff nurses already and are getting paid by the institution. But come to think of it, I may not be a paid nurse, but I am a registered one. I offered my services to that department for free and that surely doesn't make me lower than they are. Some nurses in the institution have their ways of doing things which may not be so ideal in a hospital setting. Of course, because I care about the patients, I don't follow their example but do things the way I think is beneficial and maintain sterility. I get bad comments sometimes because some see it as me trying to be better than them, but that isn't so. I am just doing what I have been taught to do, living by the nursing principles. SOmetimes, our work and the salary we receive determines the effectivity and quality service we render to the clients...but that shouldn't be so. No matter how busy we are as nurses, I believe that every patient must be rendered equal and well-deserved care whether they are paying clients or not!


Source: https://www.mylot.com/post/2046163/are-ur-colleages-easy-to-get-along-with

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