Metal Gear Solid Hd Collection Ps3 Black Screen

Strategy Guide/Walkthrough/FAQ
Corey Feldman Interview

Celebrity GamerZ - Jay & Silent Bob's Jason Mewes Video Game Interview

Hottest Stuff On CheatCC!

Control title screen

At the title screen, press L3 to change the background pattern color. Press R1 or R2 to control its speed. Press L1 to place the black silhouette from the foreground to the background. Press L2 to change the color of the black silhouette. Press R3 to change the screen's color. Press Triangle to turn the background black.

Control introduction sequence

During the opening sequence, press L3 to change the language of the text that scrolls across the screen. If pressed enough times, it turns into a snake skeleton. You can also press R1 during the opening sequence to hear a girl whisper "Snake eater". If you move the Right Analog-stick during the opening sequence, birds will fly across the screen in the direction it is moved. Move the Left Analog-stick to control the direction of the credits. If you press the D-pad you can make dots appear on the screen. If you move the Right Analog-stick, soldiers with parachutes will go across the screen. Press R3 to control the picture that goes across the screen when you move the Right Analog-stick.

Alternate introduction sequence

At the first Konami logo when first starting the game, press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Left, Right, Square, Triangle. If you entered the code correctly, the sound from the classic "Konami code" from original Metal Gear on the NES will play. The names that appear during the introduction sequence will now be those of the game designers.

Alternate intermission sequence credits

When someone's name appears during an intermission sequence in parenthesis, it indicates the voice actor that provided the dialogue. While the name is displayed, press Circle to change the credits to the person that provided the dialogue in the Japanese version of the game.

Easy no alerts

If you are spotted or go into Alert mode (none that are part of the story line; you will automatically get three in the game, which will be noted at the end of the game), save the game. Once saved, do an in-game reset, then load the saved game. You will resume from the last point you were without any alerts. This is very useful when trying to get the "Stealth Camouflage" trophy. You will also get the bonus for "No Alerts" at the end of the game.

Slower stamina loss

When starting the game, select the "I liked MGS1" option. This will also change the introduction sequence to show Snake without a beard.

Monkey Mask

Get the top five high scores in the Snake Vs. Ape mini-game to unlock the Monkey Mask.

Raiden Mask

When starting the game, select the "I liked MG2" option. This will also change the introduction sequence.

Animals camouflage

Defeat Ocelot to get the Animals camouflage.

Banana camouflage

Get the high score in each stage of the Snake Vs. Ape mini-game to unlock the Banana camouflage.

Cold War camouflage

Defeat Volgen to get the Cold War camouflage.

DPM camouflage

Successfully complete "Special" with top scores to unlock the DPM camouflage. Alternately, obtain the "MGS3: First Bite" CD and download the camouflage from it.

Fire camouflage

Defeat The Fury to get the Fire camouflage. The Fire camouflage is flame retardant; you will not incur any burns.

Fly camouflage

Go to Grainy Gorki Lab second floor and go into the bathroom. Break the last stall door off (kicking recommended). Go inside to find the Fly camouflage. When wearing it, flies will suddenly swarm around you.

GA-KO camouflage

The GA-KO camo has the ability to make the Kirotan frogs call out to you when it is equipped. It is located in the first swamp north of Sokolov's research facility. It is in the northeast section, in shallow water. They will barely appear, even with thermal goggles. Once it is equipped, exit the survival viewer and you will hear the Kirotan frog only three times. If the sound is weak, you are not close to it. Move to another part of the area and press Start to open the survival viewer. Then, press X to exit and hear the frogs again. If the sound is stronger, then you are getting closer. Repeat this process to find the Kirotan Frogs in every area.

Grenade camouflage

The Grenade camouflage gives Snake infinite grenades. It can be downloaded from the official web site for the game.

Hornet Stripe camouflage

Defeat The Pain to get the Hornet Stripe camouflage.

Moss camouflage

Get near The End and when he hits you, open your map from survival viewer and sneak to the red dot. The dot is The End. Point a shotgun at him. Note: The weapon must be the shotgun. He will lay down but will not give it to you. Aim your shotgun two or three more times and he will give the Moss camouflage to you.

Get Moss camouflage easily

To get the Moss camo easily you will need the Spirit Camouflage, a shotgun, and the AP sensor. The Spirit camouflage eliminates the sound of your footsteps and the AP sensor makes a lot of beeps when someone is near you. Run around until you get shot at. When you get shot by The End, his location will appear on the map. Look at the map, and find his position. Try to get around him, as you must approach him from behind. He cannot hear your approach due to the Spirit camouflage. Run to his position, and when you get near, walk slowly towards him. When you are a few feet away, point the M37 Shotgun at him. Do not shoot. Just point at him in first person view. Keep moving the shotgun (while remaining in first person view) up and down. When you have aimed at his head about three times he will give you the Moss camouflage. The Moss camouflage will give you 100% camouflage in grassy areas and restore your stamina when you are in the light.

Mummy camouflage

The Mummy camouflage helps Snake take less damage. It can be downloaded from the official web site for the game.

Snake camouflage

Defeat The Boss to get the Snake camouflage.

Sneaking camouflage

Return to the locker where you originally stuffed Major Raidenkov into. This can only be done after you get your equipment from EVA under the waterfall. When you return to the locker and open it, instead of Raidenkov's body being inside, you will find the Sneaking Suit. Put on the mask and the Sneaking Suit for some old fashioned 1960's Raiden action. Note: Across from the suit and about two doors down is a worker's costume. This will allow you to plant the C3 with no trouble, as the entire room is full of them; do not use the mask as they will recognize that Ivan is dead.

Spider camouflage

The Fear's Spider camouflage is one of the best in the game. It will raise your camo up to 75 to 80 no matter where you are, but there is a catch. When wear it, the camo will drain your stamina. It is best to only use it when absolutely needed.

Stealth camouflage

Find and shoot the hidden frog in every area to unlock the Stealth camouflage.

Green Face Paint

Successfully complete Duel mode and have the top score in "Normal" to unlock the Green Face Paint.

Kabuki Face Paint

After you meet Eva behind the waterfall in Tikhogornyj, go back out of the waterfall. As soon as you come out, there should be a small lake in front of you with fish in it. Look in the northeast corner of the lake to find the Kabuki Face Paint.

Oyama Face Paint

Go to Graniny Gorki Lab Exterior: Inside Walls. Go to the west side of the area. Walk north when you reach a light pole. There will be a grassy area next to the main building. About halfway into the grassy area, there should be a hole in the wall which leads into a duct. Enter the hole. Once inside, go to the left and the Oyama Face Paint will be there.

Snow Face Paint

When you get to Balshaya Past Base, go to the south. There should be a turret. To the left of the turret is a tunnel. Go into the tunnel. Under the first wooden bridge, there will be the Snow Face Paint.

Zombie Face Paint

The Zombie Face Paint is located in Rassvet. It is behind the building where you meet Sokolov and EVA, and next to the two barrels. Note: It can only be found while in Operation Snake Eater.

Tsuchinoko animal and Infinite Face Paint

A mousetrap is required for this trick. While you are fighting Ocelot, notice that there is a tree that is cut off with branches sticking out the side that you can also climb. Remember this tree and what it looks like. Then, go to Graniny Gorki South (immediately after the Ponizovje Warehouse). Graniny Gorki South is a huge area filled with trees. Find it that tree in the north, if you are coming from the Ponizovje Warehouse exit. When you find it, there should be a lot of bushes nearby. Take your mousetrap and lay it down in the bushes, mostly near that tree though. Place it about an inch of screen length away from that tree. Lay it down and look at the ground. If done correctly, you should see a rabbit hit the mousetrap first. Lay down on the floor and crawl to pick up your mousetrap again (like a claymore mine), and get the animal as well. Then, get up, and put your mousetrap down again. It does not have to be in the exact location, but close enough. Then, instead of looking down, run around the forest until you hear the noise of a captured animal. Run back. pick up the animal, and it should be a snake. Keep repeating this process until you get the Tsuchinoko. There should be a rabbit, two snakes, a squirrel, another snake, another squirrel, then the Tsuchinoko. Dispose of all of them or eat them to fit the Tsuchinoko, because they are alive and take up space. When you retrieve it, do not look in your food items area. Call Major Zero immediately. He will tell you information that you may need to know. Keep it alive in the cage (do not eat it). If you keep it alive through the entire game, when everything is completed and your ranking appears at the end, you should notice that you now have the Infinite Face Paint. Note: Use the following trick to keep the Tsuchinoko when you lose the food when Snake gets captured at Groznyj Grad. When you find EVA at Tikhogornyj, behind Waterfall area she will give you your backpack, Equip your MK22. Notice that in your food Items, you do not have the Tsuchinoko. This is why you must hurry and go back out of the waterfall. When your out of the waterfall, stay on the trail that you came out of from the waterfall (on the right side of the river). Follow it down till you see the Tsuchinoko squirming on the floor. Quickly shoot it with the MK22. Grab it and make sure that it is in a cage and still alive. Take it through the rest of the game alive without eating it, and you will get the Infinite Face Paint. Additionally, if you put down a mouse trap in any heavy forrest area, save game afterwards. Then, keep reloading and checking your traps. You can find the Tsuchinoko randomly caught in the trap. If you look and there is nothing decent in the traps, press L1 + R1 + L2 + R2 + Start + Select to reset the game. Go back into "Load" and replay your saved game. Eventually there will be a Tsuchinoko in the trap. This can take 5 minutes or 4 to 5 hours.

Hidden frog bonus

Find and shoot the hidden frog in each area to unlock a special camouflage.

Completion bonuses

Successfully complete the game to unlock the bandanna, camera, Patriot gun, Spirit camouflage, Tuxedo camouflage, and extreme difficulty setting. When the Bandanna is worn in a new game you will have infinite ammunition. The Patriot gun fires like a machine gun and carries infinite ammo. However, if you use it during the game it will lower your rank at the end. While equipping The Sorrow's Spirit camouflage, be careful of how you attack an enemy. Your stamina goes down with every enemy you kill.

PAL version completion bonuses

Successfully complete the European PAL version of the game to unlock Duel mode, European Extreme mode, and Demo Theatre mode. Note: After all intermission sequences are unlocked in Demo Theatre mode, a bonus "Peep Show" sequence featuring Eva in her underwear in various videos will become selectable.

Single Action Army

To get the Single Action Army gun, when you are at the final duel with Ocelot choose the right box. He will shoot you, but it is a blank. He feels that he got his revenge, puts the gun in your pocket, and falls out the airplane. If you choose the left box, you will shoot him, then give the gun back to him. Thus you, will not start with it in the next game.

Using the Single Action Army

In order to kill anyone with the Single Action Army, do not to shoot the enemy, but instead shoot behind the enemy. The Single Action Army ricochets. Shooting behind the enemy will cause the bullets to bounce back and hit him. When you equip the Single Action Army revolver, go into first person view and move the Right Analog-stick in circles to spin it.

Snake's nightmare

When captured in the cell after Volgin's torture, save and quit (while inside the cell). Snake will go to sleep. When you load the game again, it will appear that you are in a colorless room with men attacking you with canes. After a while, Snake will wake up shocked. Note: If you do not quit after the save, you will not fall asleep; remember Para-Medic's words "If you save the game and quit, you will fall asleep..."

Watch intermission sequence through Snake's eyes

At specific points during some intermission sequences, the caption "R1" will appear for a moment at the upper right corner. Pressing this will allow you to see through Snake's eyes during that exact moment, giving you a unique perspective and occasionally allow you to see something hidden. Sometimes, but not always, you will even be able to move around your view with the Left Analog-stick (for example, at the beginning of Operation Snake Eater when you are in the jet, look up to see a hidden picture of a model). Note: Press X to skip the intermission sequence. Press Triangle to zoom in.

See Ocelot in intermission sequence

During the final intermission sequence, just after Snake is given his medal, press R1 (it is not prompted) If you look to the left, you can see Ocelot for the last time outside of the window.

Hidden intermission sequences

In Groznyj Grad after the torture scene, you will wake up in the prison. Get the fork and remove the bullet, but do not remove the transmitter. Then, continue the game. Later when you meet Eva behind the water fall, there will be a funny extra intermission sequence that takes place after Snake pushes her away from the kiss. The extra scene will only play if you still have the transmitter in you at this point.

After you have been captured and find yourself in the cell, do not break out admiralty. Hang around for awhile. You will see the guard "Johnny" get sick and run to the bathroom. Let this happen at least three times. After the third time an intermission sequence will begin, where Snake and Johnny talk, and he gives Snake his cigs with the knock out gas.

While facing The End, let him shoot you with as many tranquilizer darts as possible until you collapse. When this happens, a hidden intermission sequence begins, showing him picking you up and carrying you all the way back to Graniny Gorki, with the Japanese model and the frog on the table. For some reason he forgets and leaves the door completely open for your escape.

When fighting Ocelot on the wig, choose the pistol on the left (loaded). Then, let Ocelot shoot all of six shots and wait. After awhile, an intermission sequence will occur where Ocelot asks why Snake did not shoot.

After defeating The Boss, a horse will come to you. Hold R1 to see the ghost of The Boss behind the horse. The R1 display up at the top right is not shown.

At the end when Snake is looking at the grave of The Boss, then salutes it, press R1 to see all the graves around him moving as if blurred from tears.

Hidden ending text

After dying, remain idle at the "Game Over" screen. The letters will change until the words "Time Paradox" appears; this also happens if Eva, Revolver Ocelot, or Sokolov dies.

Game developers' faces

Take some pictures when you are facing The Sorrow. Save them, then go into the picture viewer. Start editing the colors and you will notice faces of the game developers in the photos.

In-game reset

While playing the game, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Start + Select.

Referred as dead on the radio

When fighting The Sorrow, call anyone using your radio. They will think you are dead and start talking as if you died in any part of the game.

Cancel alert radio

Tune to 144.40 on your radio to cancel Alert mode. Note: This can only be done one time. Additionally, during alert mode, grab a guard and interrogate him. He will give you a radio frequency number. Call it and the alert will go away; the number changes each time. The following is a list of some of the "Cancel alert" frequencies:


Healing radio

Using the interrogation maneuver on some guards by using L3 while engaged in Close Quarters Combat. This will make them spit out various hints, some of which will tell you secret stations you can tune to with your radio. After getting at least one secret frequency number, a new selection under your "Memory" will be available called "Healing Radio". There are a total of eight secret frequencies you can find. Each will heal Snake to various degrees when you listen to them, and your life/stamina meter will appear to show you by how much it is helping you. The following is a list of all "Healing Radio" frequencies:

    148.39 Surfing Guitar / 66 Boys
    146.65 Rock Me Baby / 66 Boys
    148.96 Pillow Talk / Starry.K
    144.86 Jumpin' Johnny / Chunk Raspberry
    143.32 Sailor / Starry.K
    145.83 Salty Catfish / 66 Boys
    142.09 Sea Breeze / Sergei Mantis
    141.85 Don't Be Afraid / Rika Muranaka

Fire support radio

Tune to one of the following radio frequencies for fire support:


Non-lethal force bonus

Defeat all Bosses without using lethal force to unlock one of the following special camouflages:

    Animals camouflage (reduces hand shaking when aiming guns)
    Cold War camouflage (some enemies hesitate when shooting)
    Fire camouflage (fire damage reduced)
    Hornet Stripe camouflage (keep hornets, leeches, and spiders away; can tame hornets)
    Snake camouflage
    Spider camouflage (stealth increased while stamina is reduced)

View item and weapon details

While in the backpack, you can see the informaion for an item (hold R2) or a weapon (hold L2). This is different from the viewer by pressing R1. You can use the D-pad or Right Analog-stick to scroll through your equipped items. Note: This only applies to items or weapons you have equipped.

EZ gun

Capture all 47 animals and plants to get the EZ gun. Note: You do not have to keep or eat them. After capturing one, you can drop it from your inventory. Alternately, play the game on the very easy difficulty setting to get the EZ gun, which has infinite tranquilizer bullets.

Mosin Nagant gun

After defeating The End, go directly west to find a clearing. The box should be there. Use thermal goggles to find it easier. The rifle is called a Mosin Nagant and is a tranquilizer sniper rifle. Call Sigint while gun is equipped for a history lesson.


The shotgun is located in East Sokrovenno. When you meet The End, turn back to the south exit. You will find an area with lots of traps (you just passed the area to meet The End). Once you are there, turn east and there will be a cottage. The shotgun is located in the area. Additionally, when you fall into the dark cave, get the torch behind the waterfalls. Then, craw through a tunnel to get on top of the waterfalls. Keep going until you see two tunnels, one directly ahead and another on your right. Go to the one on your right. Keep going and you should see a place with a long hole in the wall. Use your torch and look on the ground near the hole. You will see a long box containing the shotgun. The shotgun is also useful against The Pain.

American portable light machine gun

This weapon is located in the room behind some boxes where the shotgun is found. Check the entire area to find more items. Note: It is recommended to first eliminate all the enemies before searching the area. You can go back to fight The End.

Quick reload

While reloading your gun, quickly press R2(2), which will unequip and re-equip your gun to cancel the reloading time and still have your gun reloaded with ammunition. This method is only effective with guns that take more than two seconds to reload (for example, the RPG-7).

Aiming firearms

When firing either of your pistols (the MK22 or the M9111A1), you will aim using the center pin of the sight. Whatever that pin is on is what you will be firing at. When using any other weapon, the shot goes directly towards the middle of your screen.

Battle damaged Snake

Before you go into surgery for any necessary treatment of wounds, change Snake's camouflage to "Naked." After you apply bandages to wounds, they will show up on Snake's body.

Sleeping Snake

To make Snake fall asleep with "Zzz" above his head, eat a special mushroom to the west of the warehouse.

Snake stretches

Go into the survival viewer and go to "Cure" Press R1(3) to see Snake stretching. It changes depending on his status.

Sick Snake

During a mission, go into the items screen by pressing Start. Press R1 to go into View mode to see Snake in the middle, and a set of coordinates on the left side of the screen. Both Analog-sticks will control the rotation of the view of Snake. Spin the view very fast either to the left or right so that Snake is spinning, and tilt the camera up and down continuously. Do this for at least ten seconds then exit back to the game. If done correctly, Snake should vomit. Note: Be careful as patrols can hear Snake vomit.

Purge poison

When Snake is stricken with food poisoning, use the "Sick Snake" trick to make him vomit. It will cure the food poisoning. Note: The "Sick Snake" can be done when standing and crouching.

Special snake

When you are fighting The Boss at the field of daffodils, throw a grenade anywhere when you get the chance. If you hear the sound of an animal turning into a ration, put your thermal goggles on and look for the ration with a special snake inside. Press Start and look at your food. If you picked it up, you will have a snake named after one of the sons of Big Boss. You can eat it, and he loves it. If you do not find a ration or hear a sound, throw another grenade. Eventually you will get one. They are mostly near the rocks.

Sleep talking

In the scene where you have to reach the Wig with Eva injured, shoot her with a tranquilizer dart. She will pass out and begin to talk in her sleep. To wake her up again, go into the survival viewer and cure her with the knife. Alternately, you can kick her awake. Eventually, eva will replace the word "Snake" with other names like "Boss" and "Fido".

Crocodile cap

When you meet EVA the first time, in the next area is a big swamp. Get into the swamp and go north. You will see two logs blocking your way. Go underwater and cross the logs to get to the area, where there is an ivy tree. Climb up the tree and press Triangle. Hang and move on the rope until you see another rope beneath you. When you see another rope, hang so that it comes directly beneath you and press X and then Triangle to grab to the second rope. Move yourself all the way to the other side of the rope and drop down to get the crocodile cap.


When in the prison cell after Colonel Volgin's torture, look around on the floor. There is a fork. This can be used to skewer small animals (which Snake immediately eats), or as a method of self defense.


In the east wing of the Groznyj Grad Weapons facility, in the "break room" area just north of the door leading to the hanger, there are two tables. Underneath one of these two tables (usually the left) is a box containing a handkerchief soaked in a knockout agent. It is highly effective when used in CQC.

Instant kill

For a quick kill, manually aim at the target's head and shoot. If this does not kill them instantly, it will do a good amount of damage and they will probably die after the next shot.

Kill Gavial crocodile

When a Gavial opens its mouth to yawn, throw a grenade in and it will blow up into little pieces. Pick up all of the pieces for rations.


When you get Golovas, which are the all around best food in the game in restoring stamina, do not dispose of them if they spoil. Eat them even if they are spoiled. It does not matter because you can just open up the Cure Survival menu and spin Snake around so that he throws up when you exit it, therefore curing the food poisoning. You will lose a quarter stamina, but it is worth it when you are low on food or are not able to hunt.

Saving medical supplies

If running low on medical supplies or want to use less, only heal part of the wound. As you heal the wound, the circle around it will become smaller. When healing a wound with one item, it will make the wound automatically heal, but the more supplies used the faster it will heal.

Finding medical supplies

You can get medical supplies from special garden plants (which appear using the thermal goggles), holding up soldiers/scientists, dragging scientists, and from special fruits and animals.

Avoiding detection by workers

When wearing a scientist or maintenance uniform, stay away from other workers as they will know you are not one of them. Use cig-spray or the handkerchief to knock them out first.

Sneaking around the Groznyj Grad

When you first get to the Groznyj Grad, there are Ocelot's guard's. Some are very stupid. If you are near a guard or anything else, tap on the wall to get them near you. Then, kill them with any of your EZ or other guns and they will be down for awhile. Note: If another guard is near the guard that you hit, he will say, "Are you ok?" or something similar. If you have Major Raikov's uniform on, this may not work. If you do not have the Major's hat, no one will believe you, and they will take you down. When you get nearer to where you need to go (anywhere in the area), hide under or in trucks until the guards are gone. Note: If you are on caution, and still in the 90's or 80's, go under a car or truck and do not move. Sometimes the guards can see you under them, and in alert they can still find you. If they see you, they will attack and alert mode will keep rising. When a guard is near you and you are not on caution or alert mode, take out your knife or dagger. Do not get to close and hit or cut them in the leg. This will make them fall to the ground. This may not always work if you are in alert or caution mode. Do not attack; the more you hit a guard in caution or alert mode, the more the alert or caution mode will rise and make it difficult for you to escape. If you are found by a guard, run or attack. If you choose to attack, use the EZ gun to knock them out. If more are coming, do the same, though. If you choose to escape, if there are boxes nearby and a guard has not seen you yet, climb the boxes and go on a roof and lay down. This may not always work. If there are no boxes available, but there is a door, go though that door. In most cases, there is a truck in every area. Hide under them. In one or two parts of the base are secret openings in the ground that lead to specific areas for an easy escape.

Act like a scientist

While wearing the scientist uniform, press Triangle to adjust your glasses or hold Triangle to hold your finger at your glasses, posing like an actual scientist.

Bigger torch flame

This trick is has no actual effect other than making the flame look bigger when you swing it. Get the torch and NVG in the cave. Equip them both from your backpack and turn them both on. Your flame will appear twice as large, and when sparks shoot off they are more visible.

False grenade

Take out a grenade. When you take it out, you can hear Snake pull the pin out. Then, run around or stay in one spot. The grenade will not blow up.


Be careful when using the sonar. If you are close to an enemy and use it, they can hear the sonar "beep". This has the potential of putting them on alert.

Escaping from prison

After being tortured by Volgin, you will be put into a prison cell. There are two ways to get out. The first is to get the fork off the ground and dig out the fake death pill that The Boss shot into your leg out and use it. Or, if you pressed R1 during the torture scene you may have seen The Sorrow holding a number (144.75). Call this while you are in prison. The doors will open and you will be able to escape. Additionally, an alternate way to get out of the prision cell after Volgin's torture, is to make Snake sick. Snake will vomit, and the guard will open the door to check on you. As soon as he opens the door, take him out and you will be free.

Escaping torture

To escape Volgin's torture unharmed, hold R2. This saves health for the time that you get outside. You will have leftover energy for when you get shot.

Regaining stamina after torture

When in the prison cell after Colonel Volgin's torture, wait a little while. The guard makes two stops by your cell. With each stop he says "Chow Time!" and throws you a ration. There is also a rat running around your cell. Use the fork to skewer and eat it to help regain stamina.

Annoy guard in torture chamber

Go up to the prison door and make noise (press Circle). Keep doing this and he will eventually get mad and say "No more food for you" or something similar. Note: He may literally stop giving you food; before you do this stock up on food or get your stamina up by killing the rats. Also, if you hide under the bed he also gets angry.

Saluting guard

When dressed as Radien, go to a solider and hold Triangle. The longer you hold Triangle, the longer they will salute.

Sick prison guard

After the torture scene and you are in the cell, throw the food you are given (and the rat). The guard will say, "Oh you're not hungry? Thanks!". The guard will then say, "OWHHWH...." "OWW... I can't hold it any more". He will run for the restroom, start screaming, then say, "OHH... I don't think it will come out" followed later by, "I didn't think that was possible". He will try to flush the toilet, and it will become clogged.

Poisoned guard

Toss a snake at a guard. This will cause the guard to wrestle with it. If its a poisonous snake, it will infect the guard.

Weaker guards

Whenever you come up on a Russian outpost, try to find their food and ammo supply houses/rooms. Plant TNT charges and the houses/rooms will explode. This will cause the enemy in that area to get weaker. You can hear them saying how hungry they are. If you take a ration or something and throw it at a group of soldiers they will yell "Food!" and race for it. If they start shooting at you, after they use up that clip they will have to switch to their pistol.

Sprinting guard

In Groznyj Grad 1F immediately after you meet up with Eva in the waterfall, when u go through the door you will hear someone saying "Move!" and shooting. When you go closer, you will see two guards. One guard is running back and forth and the other is shooting in the air and screaming "Sprint!" and "On the double!"

Interrogate guard with a shield

When the guard gets close, throw a grenade. He will become dazed. That is your chance to grab and interrogate him. Note: Use him as a shield to kill other guards first.

Defeating guards with shields

To kill a guard with a shield, shoot the slit. This saves heath and time. This requires good aim.

Opening the door in weapons lab and getting Scorpion

To open the door that requires a radio frequency, you must capture a guard. Hold the knife to him to get the information by pressing L3 (145.86). Call that while standing in front of door to open it. You should hear a click. Once inside the door, the very powerful Scorpion (includes laser sighting) can be found in the far northeast of the room, along with ammunition. Note: The room can only be entered through the door located to the east. The one to the west does not open until after the east door is opened. There is an officer that keeps walking through a locked door. All you have to do to get the Scorpion is follow him into the room while wearing the scientist's disguise.

Drunk Granin

Stay after talking to Granin in the little room between the cells and the room he is drunk in. He laughs and starts saying "Someone's in here!", falls asleep, then dreams "Ahh Tanya yes ohhh". Note: Keep knocking on his door and he will get angry.

Eva's bathing suit

After you crash with Eva, after beating the Shagohod there will be two more areas before you reach The Boss. In the second area, there will be a fork. There will be a tree at the very beginning of the right fork. Go behind it and enter first person view. Shoot the frog. Then, get near Eva and open up the survival viewer. Go to "Cure", then to Eva. She should now be in her bathing suit.

Jiggly Eva

When you are with Eva go to the cure screen and press R1. This will display an x-ray of her. If you zoom in, notice that everything is visible. Also, if you move the camera up and down she will get a little jiggly. Additionally, when you are helping her through the woods after the crash, go to the survival viewer and view her skeleton. Zoom in close, then turn her to the side.

Aggravate Eva

At the scene where you have to make your way to the Wig with an injured Eva, take a fake death pill. She will be alerted and rush to your side. If you revive yourself, she will be annoyed at you. Continue doing this and she will not believe you, making her more aggravated each time.

Lay on the ground and wait for Eva to also lie down. Try to crawl on top of Eva. She will start yelling and you will get a Codec call from Para medic.

Stare at Eva for a few seconds and she will tell you to stop.

Hide from Eva in a box or put on the Monkey Mask in front of her.

Put books down in front of Eva. She will start yelling and call Snake a pervert.

Suggestive Eva comments

After the motorcycle crashes, shoot Eva with a dart. This will make her say things like, "mmm… thats the spot..." and "Ohh... Snake that feels so good…".

Interrogate Eva

Get Eva to stand, then grab her and interrogate her as you would a guard. She will say four different things. Note: You must keep holding L3.The comments are: "And then when I was 17", "Instant noodles", "36 23 34", and "Up up down down left right I forgot the rest". Additionally, when you interrogate Eva, she says four things. These all have meaning, however insignificant. "And then when I was 17..." means that she is telling Snake about her life, and only got up to 17 years old here. "Instant noodles" refers to the food you obtain in the game. "36 23 34" are her measurements (bust, waist, hips). "Up up down down, left right I forgot the rest" is a code from the NES game, Contra.

Eva's medical record

Near the end of the game when you are supposed to cure Eva, take a look at her medical history. Among many other injuries you will find a breast enhancement, a broken fingernail, a bad case of gas, and some other funny things.

Get Eva through extreme mode

Use the following trick to complete areas when you are with Eva in extreme mode. Its very difficult to bypass the parts with Eva in extreme mode because there are a lot of enemies and her stamina runs low very quickly. Put her to sleep by shooting her with your tranquilizer gun. By doing this, her stamina replenishes and does not run low. Carry her yourself so she does not get lost, left behind, or shot and dies. To wake her up at the end of the areas, go to "Cure" and use the survival knife to awaken her.

Wound Ocelot

After you complete the game, you should get a Single Action Army or a Patriot. Play the game again until Snake fights Ocelot (in movie mode) for the first time. When Ocelot and all of his guards are passed out, shoot Ocelot in the leg once (Single Action Army recommended). If done correctly, when you fight him in the game he will have a bandage around his leg. You can also kill him, and the Colonel will come on and say something funny about not killing him because you need him for the future.

Kill Ocelot

After you get Sokolov, and after the scenes, the GRU soldiers will be on the ground. Just kill Ocelot as you would a soldier. You will see the "Game Over" screen with the message "Ocelot is Dead".

Showdown with Ocelot

At almost the end of the game, when you have the showdown with Ocelot, you can do one of three things. Choose the gun on Snake's left and you will not get the Single Action Army in New Game. Select the gun on Snake's right shoot Ocelot and get the Single Action Army in the New Game. Select the gun on Snake's right, but do not pull the trigger. An intermission sequence will start after Ocelot pulls the trigger the sixth time, and you will still get the Single Action Army in the New Game. Additionally, in the final duel with Ocelot, save the game. Choose the gun on the right, aim for his body, and shoot. He will say that it is a blank. Reload the game and choose the gun on the right again and aim for the wall. You will see a bullet hole in the wall.

To do a quick draw duel with Ocelot, stand directly in front of him at the edge of the cliff. You may get shot a few times and probably be hit, but it will work eventually. He will call a quick draw duel after a few shots. If you have an automatic, it will really pay off.

Funny calls with Para-Medic

Basically with anything that you capture, either animals or plants, you can get a laugh from calling her because she describes them all.

In the mountain area, kill a guard. This will attract vultures. Once a vulture appears and begins to eat the dead guard, kill it and eat it, then call her.

When you are in the area where you are dressed up as a Scientist, there is an area in the building that is outside. Near this tree is a mushroom that Para-Medic has no information for. Once you have talked to her, eat it. Then when you get the chance, quickly call her back.

In the cave, find a Russian Glow Cap. Call her before eating one. Then eat it, and call her back.

Naken Raiden appearance

Kill Raikov to see a naked Raiden running down the Sorrow's river.

Hit on by Raikov

Go to the building where steal Raikov's clothing. Wear the scientist's outfit and mask. Go to the locker room, then begin knocking the doors off the lockers. Raikov will appear and ask "What are you doing?". Look at him and he will get very close and say "How beautiful".

Raikov acts strangely

Wear the Raikov costume and mask in front of Raikov. He will act like any other guard. If you wear a scientist costume, he will grab you below the belt, then smack you to the ground and move on.

Raikov gets insulted

When trying to get the outfit to imitate Raikov, call Eva. She will first tell you what to do. Call her again and Snake will ask why Major Raikov has Colonel class clearance. Eva will say "You dont know? Even after seeing the photo"? Snake will respond "No". She will then say "You're a little slow. Think about it", then hang up on you. When Volgin walks in and sees Snake in his Raikov costume he will say, "Major you were suppose to meet me in my room", then grabs Snake below the belt. He reaches back and does it again before saying "I know the Major better then anyone else". Later, after The Boss asks Volgin if he will kill Snake, he agrees but says that he will first make him pay for hurting Ivan. Raikov's first name is Ivan. Raikov when seeing food on the floor says "food" in an high pitch whiny voice.

Fool people with Raikov

When wearing Raikov's uniform and mask, punch the guards and scientists. The guards will apologize or thank you for hitting them. The scientists will become afraid. When wearing Raikov's uniform, get in the box while people are watching. If guards see you, they will look at it, lift up the box, think that Raikov is underneath, and apologize. If scientists see you, they will keep looking at the box, fascinated.

Fighting Raikov

When you first get to Graznyj Grad, you must steal Major Raikov's uniform. He can be found in the restroom, and will use Raiden's "Double Kick" and "Cartwheel" moves.

Funny calls with Sigint

Call him with the following items, weapons, face paint, or camo on: Sneaking Suit, Tux, GA-KO, Naked Camo, Box, Patriot, EZ Gun, or any of the non-helpful face paint.

Signit describes camouflage

If you keep calling for Sigint, eventually he will describe the uniform your wearing, then the face paint. Note: When he describes a uniform, you can change it to get another description. You will not have to go through all the other conversations again.

Worried Signit

Equip the box and call Signit. This will start a conversation with Snake saying how the box makes him feel safe, and it is his destiny. This will thoroughly creep out Singit.

Signit's dream

Radio Sigint immediately after playing the Nightmare mini-game. He will tell you about a dream he had.

Kill Sokolov

When you go to rescue Sokolov, kill all enemies (to make this easier). Then, go to the east side. Near the ladder is a window. Once there, throw a grenade in it. You will hear Sokolov scream and the "Game Over" screen will appear with the message "Sokolov is dead".

Screaming Sokolov

To make Sokolov scream, go near his room (crawl space, window, or door). Fire a shot and he will say, "Please stop!" or will scream.

Parrot ghost

When fighting The End, find his parrot and kill it. Eat the parrot, then kill The End. When you are fighting the Sorrow, look closely to see a ghost parrot on The End's arm. It will say "Grandpa! Grandpa!".

Vulture ghost

If you kill a soldier on the mountains, then kill the vulture eating him, you will see a soldier's ghost being pecked at by a vulture ghost.

Ghost guard runs on water

Sometimes a ghost guard will appear running on the water by you during the area with The Sorrow. This may happen if you toss a guard's body off the bridge.

Ghost guard heads

When you are fighting The Sorrow, all the people you killed will appear as ghosts. However, if you want their head chopped off, do the CQC. Hold the CQC and Snake will use his knife to cut their neck. Then when you are with The Sorrow, the soldiers you killed with the CQC they will appear with their heads falling off. They will say "My head; it's gonna fall off" or "Help! It's gonna fall off".

See The Sorrow's corpse

Get to the section in the first part of the game after The Boss throws you off the bridge and Snake is fixing himself up. During the intermission when the "R1" icon appears, and you can see what he is looking at, look to the left in the river. You can see The Sorrow's corpse laying in the water against the rock.

Funny Ghosts and comments during The Sorrow battle

If you killed a solider during the game while he was looking at a book or magazine, he will be walking down the river looking at the book and say "Show me more". If you shot and killed a soldier by shooting him in the crotch, he will be walking down the river saying "I'm worthless now", while holding his crotch.

Immortal GRU and KGB troops

When fighting Revolver Ocelot, shoot bullets or throw grenades at the squad in the back. They will duck the grenades and dodge the bullets (even Patriot).

Destroying helicopters

If you look at the chopper in the Bolshaya Past base and talk to the major, they will say it looks like a modified version of a Hip type chopper. Snake suggests calling it a Hind and the major agrees; in Metal Gear Solid, Liquid Snake flew a Hind D. You can plant TNT on the Hind and blow it up. Stay way out of the way because the explosion is very big.

Aim the SVD sniper rifle into the cockpit of the helicopter (in sniper mode) and fire off a few shots. If you are looking at the helicopter from the side, aim for the second pilot closest to the back; he controls the vehicle.

When you are on the mountain, shoot the helicopter pilots and they will explode. Additionally, destroy the Hind helicopters at the compounds with helipads. When you go up the mountain, they will no longer appear, but will be replaced with flying platforms.

Easier Boss battles

When you are facing any of the bosses (except The Boss), you can use the Fake Death. When you use it, they will think you are dead and will not pay attention. You can now use the Revival, wake up, and get some free shots in against them. Additionally, to defeat all Bosses, easier, use the M37 shotgun. When they give you a chance, shoot them with the shotgun. This takes a lot of life away. Note: Do not use the M37 on The End.

Defeating The Boss

Equip your Snow Camo and put on your Desert facepaint. Then, run next to one of the logs and lie down until The Boss runs and hides behind a tree. Equip your sniper rifle and get into your kneeling position. Find where The Boss is hiding and wait for her to poke out. Shoot her, and wait for her to hide. You do not have to lay down or move, and if you are far away enough you will avoid her CQC moves. Just sit in the same spot and continue shooting her with the sniper rifle. You will make quick work of The Boss.

Use the following trick to defeat The Boss with the tranquilizer gun. It is recommended you have at least one life medicine. Save the game at the start of the battle. Wait a little while to play (or use Healing Radio). Then, put on the thermal goggles. When she runs towards you, go to the sides and try to punch her three times but do not use CQC, as she will revert it .After you knock her down, shoot her in the head. Note: You can only shoot her twice. Repeat this until her stamina is down.

She is afraid of grenades. Put some distance between yourself and her and start throwing the WP (incendiary) grenades. If you are an accurate thrower, once she starts burning and falls down, continue to throw WP grenades to the same location. If by chance she gets up to run towards you, time the throw to intercept her as she runs towards you. When she falls again, keep throwing more WP grenades to the same area. You will defeat her quickly. You will also do damage with regular grenades, and she even says "grenade" as she tries to dodge them. If you do connect, you will inflict heavy damage to her.

An easy way to defeat The Boss towards the end of the game is to put on the Snow Camo and apply an appropriate face design (Desert recommended). Stay crouched and you will not be noticed as easily. She will be looking for you and become confused, As soon as you see an opening, fire at her with any desired gun (one with a silencer is recommended, as your location will remain unknown). If you are engaged in CQC, keep tapping Circle and most of the time you will counter the attack and perform an attack of you own. If you ever find The Boss on the floor, take out any gun and fire simultaneously on her head or body. She will lose about one sixth of her health. Be careful -- as soon as she gets up she will fire at you while running away. Note: After you defeat The Boss, hold Triangle to control the camera.

When the fight starts, The Boss will attack. Quickly run away, tumble, then very quickly lay down. Note: Make sure you are wearing the Snow camouflage. If you do not have it, wear the Sneaking camouflage instead; The Boss can see you, but not by much. Wear your heat sensing goggles to find The Boss in the white flowers. If you do not have them, use the sensor to hear her or to see her on the radar. Take out the sniper gun while kneeling and hit her three to four times. This will knock her out. After that, quickly lay down and move swiftly and cautiously to a different part of the area. If The Boss finds you, you will hear, "Ha, I found you!" or "There you are" and she will shoot. Quickly run, tumble, and lie down. Sometimes you will hear her say, "Where did you go?", "He-he disappeared", "How did he vanish?" or "He vanished!". If you see or hear a snake near you and if your stamina and health are down, attack and eat it. If you shoot near The Boss and not hit her, she will notice you. However, she sometimes does not notice you in the flowers. Note: With the heat sensing goggles on, she is a white figure, and if she notices you, you will see a "!" above her head. Repeat this several times. Note that you are timed for ten minutes. When it gets to the final five minutes, you will hear the "Snake Eater" theme song.

When fighting The Boss at the end, just before you escape, plant claymores in the grass and equip your mine detector. When The Boss enters CQC, she will most likely hit one of your claymores, making the battle easier. The best location for the claymores would be in the middle of the field, and have Snake hide behind the tree.

When she charges at you for CQC, you can easily counter it when you see the exclamation point over Snake's head. If you cannot see it, you still can hear him grunt. When you see or hear those signs, tap Circle and you will easily counter her CQC. You can now shoot her in the head twice while she is bent over, or CQC throw her to the ground, then shoot her.

Use your survivor knife and to stab her. Continue stabbing her until The Boss' life gauge reaches Zero. Note: When The Boss uses CQC, she will not be able to take the knife away.

When The Boss says something and starts running towards you, shoot her. Keep doing this to kill her.

Defeating The End

The battle with The End is a grueling sniper battle, but if you know what you are doing you will be able to take him down without being harmed. First, go to the river area. It has a lot of space and will make it easy for you to hide. Go to the lower half of the river area and find one of the hollowed out logs. Equip your Tree Bark Camo and wait for The End to begin snoring. This may take some time and patience, but it will be worth it. Also, watch out for his parrot. If you find and shoot it, The End will have a difficult time finding you. Once you hear him snoring, equip your Leaf Camo and look for the "Z"s around his head. You can either go around him and use your Mk22, or take out your sniper rifle and shoot him. Either way, you will inflict heavy damage. Repeat this one or two more times to defeat him.

Try to find a green bird while battling The End. Shooting it will make him more aggressive, as it is his pet parakeet. At the end of battle, an intermission sequence featuring a transparent image of the bird (like a ghost) will replace the live bird. If you collect it as food, Para-Medic will say its odd to find a bird like this in the area, and not to eat it because it is so pretty. If you are wondering, it tastes bad anyway.

When fighting The End, kill his parrot. The parrot tells him where you are. With it dead, it is easier to sneak up behind and kill him. In the first area where you meet him, to the northwest is a building with ammunition in it. The bird will appear there, as long as you go there first. It is perched on the southeast corner of the building. Kill it, and the fight will be much easier.

As you fight The End, he falls asleep. Hunt him and find his location, then shoot him with your MK22. Even if he has a little over half of his consciousness remaining, he will immediately be defeated. Apparently, if you can tranquilize him in the head while he is asleep, it does a considerable amount of damage.

This trick requires the sniper rifle. At the end of the area of shallow water and the Hover Sentries, is an exit point on the left that leads to a storage place. In this storage room is the sniper rifle. Once you have it, go back. Go to the area where you see the intermission sequence of The Fear, Vulgin and The Boss. After it ends, equip the sniper rifle and aim for the guard pushing The End in the wheelchair. Then, hit The End. He will die, then explode. The flames will hurt you, even from that distance. If desired, shoot the guard, and watch The End scoot himself inside. If you kill him there, you will must take on the Ocelot soldiers in the jungle part.

You will need Thermal Goggles for this trick. Equip the Thermal Goggles and any weapon that can do substantial damage quickly (for example, the shotgun). Run and look for him. Once he shows up on your map, sneak up behind him as usual. When he runs away, he should leave tracks that you can see with the Thermal Goggles. Then, just keep following him around until you kill him.

Save the game immediately after the fight starts. Wait a few days or change the system date to over one week ahead and return. You will see an intermission sequence, where The End dies of old age and you do not have to continue the fight.

In the area before you enter the warehouse, The End is sitting in his wheelchair. Take out your SVD (which is required), and aim for his head. You will see a guard come up from behind The End and start wheeling him off. Shoot him as many times as you can before he exits the screen. If you are lucky you can kill him here, and not have to fight him later. GRU soldiers will be in his place. They will have snipers and sentries posted up everywhere. This works on any difficulty setting. Also, after you kill The End his wheelchair will explode, and a wheel will fly and hit you in the face.

Quickly take out the SVD sniper rifle when The End first appears during the intermission sequence in Operation Snake Eater. Shoot his escort and The End. He will explode and will not have to be faced in the Boss battle.

First, get The End to shoot at you. Make sure you are wearing The Spirit camouflage. Use the map to locate where he is located. Sneak up on him and hold him up. After he sets off his grenade, turn on your thermal goggles. The End's footprints will be visible. Follow them to his current location, and you will soon defeat him.

While fighting The End, you can tranquilize his pet parrot and keep it in a cage. Do this by shooting tranqs in the trees while aiming for The End. You may also eat the parrot, but it barely raises stamina and "tastes bad".

You can also find The End by using the directional mic. Just listen for him breathing deeply, and usually he will say "This is The End".

Bypassing The End

When you first encounter him on the dock in the wheelchair, take notice. Once the scene is over, equip your SVD Sniper weapon, then shoot the man wheeling him in. Once he is dead, shoot The End as many times as you can before he escapes into the facility. If done correctly, he will laugh and the wheelchair will explode and hit Snake.

You must first be in the river area. Once there, put on leaf camo with woodland face paint. Remain still for awhile but keep looking around. When you look directly at him, you will see a glare. Once you see that, shoot as fast as possible. He will notice you about five seconds later. Repeat this until he is killed.

Defeating The Fear

Beating The Fear with the Mk22 is no simple task -- once his stamina gets low enough, he will run off and find food to raise his stamina back up. The easiest way to defeat The Fear is to equip your Thermal Goggles and stay in the location that you start the battle in. When you have lowered his stamina enough, he will jump out of your range. Watch which direction he goes to in first person view, then run there. If you are quick enough, you will catch him in the tree trying to get some food. Shoot him a few more times and you will finish The Fear.

When fighting The Fear, equip to your weapon inventory poisonous foods or sleepy mushrooms. Then, before he starts hunting for food, throw them out on the ground. When he looks for food, he will sometimes go for the food that you threw on the ground other than hunting for his own. This may help when trying to defeat him by using only non-lethal attacks.

One way to defeat The Fear without taking much damage is to climb the tree near the back of the level and go out on the tree limbs. If you wait for him to say "Fear!", he will start to shoot at you. To dodge his arrows, press Triangle to hang down on the branch. Immediately after that, press Triangle again to bring yourself back on the branch. While you are doing this, you cannot be hit. Repeat this as long as he is shooting at you. While on the branch it should be a lot easier to see The Fear; if you are standing there, he only goes on two other trees. It is a lot easier to kill The Fear with the AK, but if you want the secret camouflage, use the tranquilizer gun.

Defeating The Fear is easy with one move. Kill a few poisonous dart tree frogs (they are represented by little red dots moving around on the ground). Equip them in your weapon inventory. Find one of the many traps between two trees and aim for that area. When The Fear runs out of stamina, he will go for your food as long as you are near it. If you placed it right under a trap trigger (the rope that sets the trap off) he will come down, take the bait, get hit by the trap, and vomit. Then, shoot him about two or three times with the MK22.

In order to get The Fear's special camouflage (Spider camo), you must "kill" him using the MK22. The Fear can be a difficult Boss, because he feeds to restore his stamina. However, there is a quick way to defeat him with just a little bit of luck. Using the thermal goggles and your MK22. Bring his stamina down to just over two bars. Then, switch your weapon to the stun grenade. Start to throw grenades in every direction, making sure not to face them as they explode. The Fear will likely be blinded, and will not be able to feed. If you continue to throw them, grabbing whatever animals you incidentally kill, you can leave The Fear with only one food option - poison dart frogs. If he eats one of these, he will exclaim, "It's poison!" As soon as you hear this, you are set. Keep throwing Stun Grenades until the intermission sequence begins.

Go to a tree with vines on it. Climb it until you get to the branch above it. Put on your thermal goggles, and it is a lot easer to kill him. Note: If you want the Spider Camo use the MK22 or the EZ gun. Keep a close eye on him so that he does not run to find food. If he does, just wait until he gets back in a tree and repeat until you kill him.

This trick works on all difficulties, especially extreme. Kill as many animals as you can find before facing him. When you are at The Fear, save the game and turn off the PlayStation2. Before you start the game again, set the system date to one year ahead. Therefore, all your food will be rotten. This process will make it easier to kill The Fear by shooting your rotten food at him, letting him eat it, and slowly draining his life. It will also add a bonus three seconds when he realizes it is rotten -- shoot him as many times as possible.

Defeating The Fury

Wear the Spider camouflage and black face paint. When the battle starts, run straight to the end of the row and do a left U-turn down the next row. However, stop at the beginning of that row. You can get a single shot off at him with the shotgun. Then, run to the main door. Once at the door, crouch down and he will eventually walk by. You can shoot him and he will not see you if you have the correct camouflage and your stamina level is high enough. He stops at two places in front of the door where he can easily be shot. He will fly off after every shot and return where you can shoot him again until he dies. Sitting by the door allows you to defeat him without any damage to Snake.

Defeating GRU soliders in the Rassvet

When you first enter the Rassvet area, there are soliders near you or are going to be near you. Take out your EZ Gun (or a real gun that can kill), and shoot in the air or at a solider. They will try to find you. Press Start, go to the camo at the main menu and wear one that fits perfectly with the grass around you. Go into a corner and lay down. When a guard hears but does not see you, take out the EZ gun or any other gun and shoot them. Note: If another solider comes into the same area they may see the person dead or sleeping. If sleeping, the solider will kick the other one and wake him up; then the place goes in caution mode, If dead, the other guards will start to panic and go into high alert. Try using the EZ gun, and when all the guards are sleeping, shoot them with a real gun to kill them. After you get the first one or two guards down, go farther and closer to the Rassvet. Hide in grass. There is a part where there are trees where you can hide and attack from. If they find you, run, or attack. If you decide to run, go farther north and there should be some crawl-spaces. Climb in them and go to the west side. There are soldiers here. Attack and kill them. There should be at least seven soldiers at the most in the Rassvet. When you get all of them, there is an area with a door. Go in the door and you will find Sokolov. An intermission sequence starts, then Sokolov escapes. Ocelot will find you, and more soldiers will arrive. This will be more difficult than the first part, but do the same thing as before. Go to where there are steps and another intermission sequence will begin.

Defeating The Pain

The Pain is the first Boss that you will fight in this game, not counting your little duel with Ocelot. This Boss is a Hornet Trooper that can control wasps. On the very easy mode, find the shotgun before you fight him. If you do not have it and have already fought Ocelot, you will not be able to get one. Shoot when he either is about to shoot you, is prancing around, or does not have wasps protecting him like body armor. With a few well placed shots, you will be fighting the second part of him. This is when he has his Halloween mask off to reveal his deformed face. During this time, he will have his body armor of wasps and will have wasps that will fly into your body that eats your organs away. Para-Medic will tell you how to heal. The Pain's health is still very low. Also, try to fight in the water. When he shoots the wasps at you, swim underwater so they cannot get you. If you run out of ammunition, use your AK 47.

Defeating the Shagohod

Take out your RPG and aim for the Shagohod's treads. When you hit one of them, the Shagohod will be stunned for a fear seconds and give you an opportunity to attack. There is only one place you can do damage and this is on its back where sparks are flying out. You can only hit it once per tread damage, but if you shoot the weak point then aim for the treads and wait for them to start moving again and shoot, the Shagohod will be done for before you make a full rotation around him.

Because you will be using RPG-7 for most, if not all, of the battle, this method works very well. When you shoot the Shagohad's tread with your first missile, quickly press R2(2) to reload fast, and shoot the Shagohad's weak spot. Repeat the process until Shagohad gets back in motion. You can hit the Shagohad two to four times in one standing by using this method. The same can be done for for Volgin.

Avoiding damage from the Shagohod on the runway

To avoid being harmed by the Shagohod while you are driving down the runway, attack the Shagohod's treads. This will slow the Shagohod down, keeping it from getting close enough to hurt you.

Defeating The Sorrow

The Sorrow does not really do much as far as fighting, but if you want an easier battle with him you must keep your kill count at a minimum. The Sorrow only attacks you with the soldiers that you have killed in the game. If you only used your Mk22 throughout the game, there will be no soldiers to attack you.

The Sorrow is tricky, and only attacks you with the soldiers you have killed. When you have passed all of the dead soldiers The Sorrow will teleport his own corpse. Walk into the corpse and you will die. At the "Snake is dead" screen, hold L1 and look for the Revival Pill that is shaped like your tooth. Press Circle to use it, and you will wake up again.

Dodge all ghosts while moving forward without stopping. Go all the way downriver to the point where Sorrow hovers over his own dead carcass. Punch Sorrow , which actually kills you. Before the letters have a chance to complete and read "Snake is dead", quickly press L2 to take the reviving pill. Snake wakes up underwater and swims to the surface. The game will resume. If you do not take the pill, the game ends.

When you find yourself in the river being attacked by the people you have killed, press X to dive down in the water. Then, just wait underwater until your life goes down all the way. This will cause you to drown yourself in a matter of seconds.

When The Sorrow hits you with his tentacle, it will show you an image of his life and death. If you attempt to swim, a guard's ghost will rise from the water and stop you. Note: During the battle, The Sorrow will sometimes say you will be killed by your own sons, which is ironic considering who Snake turns out to be.

When you are in the nightmare created by The Sorrow, do not move. Instead, go into your backpack and take out everything except for the fake revival pill (in your options menu). Then take off every weapon but the handkerchief. If you do not have it, then use grenades. Exit the menu. Wave the handkerchief above your head in first-person mode until you fall asleep. Then you will die. In the screen that reads "Snake Is Dead", hold L2 and select the revival pill. Then, press Circle and an intermission sequence featuring Snake waking up in the water will begin.

After you fall off the falls, you are supposedly dead. In the fight, call Para Medic, EVA, or anyone else and they will think you are dead. When the Boss fight begins, ghosts will appear. The Sorrow will attack with all of the dead soldiers that you killed, Note: When you fight The Sorrow, do not touch the dead ones; they will hurt you. When you are near The Sorrow, there is going to be a light and a swirl coming toward you. Dodge it or you will get hurt. Ignore the monsters and dead people and The Fears attacks. When you get to the end, you will see your dead self in the water, and if you touch The Sorrow, you will die instantly. When you die, the message "Snake is dead" will appear. Press L1 and take out your revival pill. Press Circle and you will be alive again. Then you have to do another task.

Go to the survival viewer and equip all of the weapons that use explosives (rocket launcher, grenades, etc.). Then, exit the survival viewer and go underwater. Start shooting at the ground close to you. Do not worry about ammunition; it will come back. After you die, hold L2 and use the revival pill. You will wake up from the dream that you had about battling The Sorrow.

This trick requires grenades. Drop about four grenades until you die. When you are dead, hold L2 and scroll to the revival pill. Press Circle when the menu is on it. An intermission sequence should start, with Snake underwater.

If you use white powder grenades to kill a guard in the battle, the guards will spontaneously burst into flames.

Defeating Volgin

Defeating Volgin on top of the Shagohod is the same as fighting it the first time. Take out your RPG and aim for the treads. When you hit the treads, you will stun the Shagohod and leave a window open to do damage to Volgin. You cannot hurt him unless you shoot him in the sides of the back. Make sure you are close enough to get behind him and unload with any gun. Do this to make quick work of Volgin.

Volgin is fairly easy once you know how to get around him, when fighting for the first time. Wait until he starts recharging electricity or is charging electricity to attack you. Once he is in either of those situations, this is an opening for you. Get behind as fast as possible and fire at his head. Takes decreases the most health from him with the least amount of time. Be careful -- unequip your weapon quickly. If you are caught a few times in his electric ball, your ammunition that remains in your gun will blow up. After you decrease half of his health, his attacks will get more aggressive -- be cautious. Also, when you are trying to take down his stamina bar, use stun grenades.

After Volgin gets on the Shagohod, shoot the treads with the RPG-7, then use the sniper rifle to shoot his head. This takes away a lot of his life. Do this one more time and you will defeat him.

Use a fully-automatic weapon such as the AK-47 or the big machine gun that can hold 210 rounds. Do not be afraid of his electric attack that blows your bullets out of its cartridge. If you keep shooting you should hit him. Repeat this until he is dead. Also, make sure to pick up ammunition that Ocelot throws down at you.

To defeat Volgin by the help CQC, do the CQC then let him go. Quickly switch to any weapon except for the knife and shoot him. Then, switch back to hand. Keep doing this until his life gauge reaches zero. Note: Do not use CQC when he has electricity around his body.

The following trick is an easy way to defeat Volgin on top of the Shagohod. Once the battle begins with Volgin chasing Eva, move Snake to one of the two turret guns. Get inside and maneuver the turret gun towards Volgin and the Shagohod. Wait until Volgin is at the farthest end away from Snake. Once you have determined that he is far enough, start shooting at Volgin (preferably at his head). Continue shooting at him until he is dead. You should not have to worry about ammunition because the turret gun has an unlimited amount. In the event that you do not achieve the actions described above with the first turret gun, there is also a second one that you can use.

Take out his stamina bar with stun grenades so that he will recharge his electricity. Then, plant claymores around him. He should step on them when he is done recharging. This will do heavy damage to Volgin's health.

When Volgin has turned to charge or otherwise with the M37, shoot him in the back. This takes large amounts of life away. That will gives you a lot of time next to beating him in the second fight.

When battle starts, equip the M63 and fire at him. Eventually the shield will break and you will do some good damage. Repeat this until he is defeated.

Frustrate Volgin

In the battle against Volgin in the Shagohod hanger, put on the Raikov mask. Volgin will begin to say things like " Ivan?". This will make Volgin slightly more aggressive, and make it easier to attack his back. However, his attacks will become more fierce.

Metal Gear Acid passwords

Wear the scientist disguise and enter the Graniny Gorki Lab 1F area. Keep interrogating the first guard in the lobby until he tells you that "JEHUTY" is a password for Metal Gear Acid. Additionally, at the Bolshaya Past Base, interrogate all enemy soldiers. One of them will reveal that "VIPER" is a password for Metal Gear Acid.

Metal Gear Solid references

When Granin shows you the plans for Metal Gear: REX, he will say he is sending it to a friend in the United States. It will then show a picture of Granin and Otacon's father.

During the game when you radio Sigint after talking to Granin, Sigint will mention someone in the States writing a paper on a bi-pedal walking tank and hint at Hal's father: "Emmerson? Heinrich?"

Metal Gear Solid, Metal Gear Solid 2, and Z.O.E. references

During the scene with Granin, you will be given the option to press R1 to look around. During the second time you are given a chance to do this, if you look around you will see the robot from Zone Of The Enders and Metal Gears Ray and Rex action figures.

Metal Gear Solid 2 references

Once you have to go through the east wing of the lab a second time, go to the locker room. The one that you hid the colonel in is empty (it has a red stripe). Hide in it, then look down in first person view to see a poster that reads "Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty" and has a picture of Raiden.

In several points in the game you can hear the Metal Gear Solid 2 theme, such as after "way to fall" in the credits, and in Granin's room when you first enter.

The Boss says that there is only room for one boss and one snake in this world. Liquid Snake says the same thing near the end of Metal Gear Solid 2.

Syphon Filter and Splinter Cell references

When you play Snake vs. Monkey for the first time, listen to the conversation between Snake and Colonel Campbell. Snake will suggest to send Gabe (referring to Gabe Logan from Syphon Filter) or Sam (referring to Sam Fisher from Splinter Cell) to do the mission. They are all spies.

Johnny guard reference

In Metal Gear Solid , when Snake was searching for the DARPA Chief in the ventilation shaft, if you looked down through one of the gaps there was a guard on the toilet named Johnny. Then, in Metal Gear Solid 2 when Emma is balancing on the oil fence, if you equip the D-Mic you will hear her talking to the same guard, Johnny. In Metal Gear Solid 3, when Snake (or Big Boss) is talking to a lonely guard, the guard shows him a picture of his son, and tells him that his son's name is Johnny. Additionally, while in the cell, take a look at the guard's head. He has a "J" on the front of his face mask. This indicates that this is Johnny.

Theme song

The theme song from the game is played while you are in the escalators of the tunnel that is open when you defeat The End. The stairs are long enough to play the theme song.

Arrows in Snake through entire game

When fighting The Fear, get shot by one of his arrows. Then, go to the "Cure" option and cure it with everything except your knife. Then, let it heal. The arrow will remain stuck inside of you for the entire game.

Bodies do not fade to black

When you kill someone, look at them with the thermal goggles on. Notice that their body heat does not fade out as it did in Metal Gear Solid 2.

Historical inaccuracy

Snow Camouflage was invented in 1978 by a man by the name of Robert Hoague, fourteen years after the time frame in which the game is set (1964).

Health items

    Antidote: Suitable for food poisoning.
    Bandage: Suitable for burns, cuts, bullet wounds and fractures.
    Cold Medicine: Suitable for colds.
    Digestive Medicine: Suitable for bellyaches.
    Disinfectant: Suitable for cuts and bullet wounds.
    Ointment: Suitable for burns.
    Serum: Suitable for poisonous infections by snakes, spiders or scorpions.
    Splint: Fixes broken bones.
    Styptic: Suitable for cuts and bullet wounds (stops the bleeding).
    Suture Kit: Suitable for cuts (stitches up the wound).

Transformable items

Many items from animals and plants can be transformed into the following:

    Honey: Transforms into Ointment.
    European Rabbit: Transforms into Serum (animal).
    Baikal Scaly Tooth: Transforms into Antidote (mushroom).
    Russian False Mango: Transforms into Digestive Medicine (Fruit).
    Amur Kudzu: Transforms into Cold Medicine (plant).
    Chinese Plantain: Transforms into Styptic (plant).
    Ezo Comfrey: Transforms into Splint (plant).
    Slav Horehound: Transforms into Disinfectant (plant).

Frog locations in Virtuous Mission

    1. South Dremuchij: Behind some trees above the cliff in the northeast, up at the large hole in the ceiling.

    2. Dremujij Swamplands: In the far north beyond the swamp behind some trees in the east. Look close, because it is difficult to see.

    3. North Dremuchij: On top of a hollow tree stump in the northeast.

    4. Dolinovodno: On top of a post at the south end of the bridge.

    5. Rassvet: On the wall in the northwest section of the building, there is a hole in the wall. Look through the hole and you should see it.

Frog locations in Snake Eater

    1. East Dremuchij: Amongst a pile of logs in the west of the middle section.

    2. North Dremuchij: Atop the hill in the middle of the northern area. Shoot from the west side.

    3. Dremuchij Swamplands: On the ground behind a tree on the west side of the swamp.

    4. South Dremuchij: In the far southwestern corner atop a high ledge. Climb over the logs to get a shot at it.

    5. Dolinovodno: On top of a post on the north side of the bridge.

    6. Rassvet: Underneath the stairs on the west side of the building.

    7. Chyornyj Prud: Underwater next to a tree in the far northern part of the pond.

    8. Bolshaya Past South: In the middle of a group of trees on the southeastern side of an electrical fence in the north.

    9. Bolshaya Past Base: Under the corner table in the barracks (bedroom).

    10. Bolshaya Crevice Past: In the area to the south where Ocelot's soldiers are located. Climb the tree and look to the south and you should see it.

    11. Chyomaya Peschera Cave Branch: From the area where you get the torch, go through the path on the left. Follow it, then crawl through the holes in the ground until you finally reach a hole in the ground with water below. Do not jump in. Instead, look to the south in first person view and you should see it. There is also a set of night vision goggles here. Make sure to get them because they are very useful.

    12. Chyornaya Peschera Cave: In the area where you fight The Pain, look up at the large hole in the ceiling. You should see it right on the edge.

    13. Chyornaya Peschera Cave Entrance: In the middle section there is a small area with some ammunition and mines planted. Go in and look up above the way that you came in and you should see it.

    14. South Ponizovje: At the very beginning of the area, look to the northwest. You should see it on the land.

    15. Ponizovje Warehouse: Exterior: There is a red gate in the southwest. The frog sits on top of it.

    16. Ponizovje Warehouse: Very high up on the ceiling on the rafters above the stairs. Look close because it is difficult to spot. You will have to look from the ground in the south because you cant see it from the top of the stairs.

    17. West Ponizovje: This area is very easy to miss. In South Ponizovje near the end of the level, there is a hard to see path in the canyon on the left. The frog is underwater behind a grate in the north. Also, in the building in this area you can get your sniper rifle early.

    18. Ponizovje Warehouse: Exterior: There is a red gate in the southwest. The frog sits on top of it.

    19. Graniny Gorki South: In a tree in the northwest corner. Climb one of the trees to the southeast of this one and look northwest and you should see it.

    20. Graniny Gorki Lab Exterior: Outside Walls: In the inside of the electric fence in between some trees in the west.

    21. Graniny Gorki Lab Exterior: Inside Walls: There is a small building in the east that cannot be entered but has a barred window. Look through this barred window and you should see it.

    22. Graniny Gorki Lab 1F: On top of the lockers near the stairs. Note: There is not one on the second floor. The first and second floors count as one area.

    23. Graniny Gorki Lab B1 East: In plain sight in the westernmost cell.

    24. Graniny Gorki Lab B1 West: On a table against the west wall in the room with the TV.

    25. South Svyatogornyj: At the very beginning at the top of the wall with the door you entered the area through.

    26. West Svyatogornyj: In the southwest area. It is to the west of a crawl through log and a pitfall.

    27. East Svyatogornyj: This place is also easy to miss. When you leave West Svyatogornyj, make sure to take the exit in the northeast, not to the northwest. There is a large building in the northeast section of this area. The frog is on a shelf in the bedroom.

    28. South Sokrovenno: Right outside the building with the sniper rifle against the northern wall.

    29. North Sokrovenno: On the ground next to a tree at the north end of the upside down "U" shaped area in the south.

    30. West Sokrovenno: The far South at the end of the river.

    31. Krasnagorje Tunnel: About halfway through the tunnel on the ground (before climbing the endless ladder).

    32. Krasnagorje Mountain Base: Near the end of the area at the northwest end, look up. You should see it on the hill.

    33. Krasnagorje Mountainside: At the end of the area on top of the building with the food inside.

    34. Krasnogorje Mountaintop: The southeast corner. Stand next to the building with the bullets and items to get a good shot.

    35. Krasnogorje Mountaintop Ruins: On a shelf near the entrance (to Mountaintop).

    36. Krasnogorje Mountaintop: Behind Ruins: On the radio tower at the southeast of the base about halfway up. This one is difficult to see -- look closely.

    37. Groznyj Grad Underground Tunnel: In the area where you fight The Fury on top of a red pipeline. Stand near the red door and look up and to the south and you should see it.

    38. Southwest Groznyj Grad: The building in the west, the middle one. Look in the slightly open door to see it.

    39. Northeast Groznyj Grad: In the crawl space behind a grate. The entrance to the crawl space is in the northeast, just above the food storehouse.

    40. Southeast Groznyj Grad: On top of the building, southeast corner. Climb the stairs to get to where you can see it.

    41. Northwest Groznyj Grad: On an inaccessible staircase in the southwest. Climb the boxes to get a shot at it.

    42. Groznyj Grad Torture room: Underneath the desk in the room in the northwest.

    43. Groznyj Grad Weapons Lab: East Wing: On top of a bookshelf at the far north end of the second floor locker room.

    44. Groznyj Grag Weapons Lab: West Wing Corridor: Look out the window to the south at the large pole with the sirens on it. It will be on top.

    45. Tikhogornyj: At the south end of the river under the log.

    46. Tikhogornyj: Behind Waterfall: In the room with the ladder. It is sitting on top of a pipe in the southwest.

    47. Groznyj Grad Weapons Lab: Main Wing: In between two of the computers in the west (on the west side of the Shagohod).

    48. Groznyj Grad B1F (area where you fight Volgin): Next to some boxes in the west up above the platform (on the first floor).

    48. Groznyj Grad: The next few frogs must be shot while riding on a motorcycle. Saving at the beginning of every one of these areas is recommended, so if you miss you can restart and go back and get it. With most of these, the sniper rifle will give you the best shot.Early in the level when you stop on account of some guards, look up at the watchtower on top of the spotlight. The frog should be there. Note: You will move soon, so shoot fast.

    49. Groznyj Grad Runway South: The first time you stop because of some soldiers, there will be a forklift to the left of the soldiers (your left). The frog will be on the seat.

    50. Groznyj Grad Runway (part 1): On a sign on the left side of the road after you turn about halfway through the area.

    51. Groznyj Grad Runway (part 2): It will be on one of the signs on the right side (looking ahead) of the road. It is early into the area. You will need your sniper rifle for this.

    52. Groznyj Grad Rail Bridge (sniping part): On the arch underneath the bridge on the left side of the bridge. You will need to stand up to see it.

    53. Groznyj Grad Rail Bridge: At the base of the radio tower in the west. You will be on foot for this one.

    54. Groznyj Grad Rail Bridge North: At the roadblock at the very end of the area. It is in between the left and middle barricades.

    55. South Lazorevo: Near the beginning of the area. It will be on the ground in front of a rock just slightly to the right (looking ahead). A log will be in front of it, and you will pass it quickly. Look and shoot fast.

    56. North Lazorevo: On a rock on the left (looking ahead) near the beginning of the area. Note: There is no more motorcycle shots after this frog.

    57. South Zaozyorje: On the western path below the log bridge. Stand on the log bridge and look down and to the east.

    58. East Zaozyorje: At the fork where the paths split in the south is a tree. The frog is in between that tree and the hill. Look closely because it is a tight space.

    59. Rokovoj Bereg: On the highest point of a tree in the south.


Successfully complete one of the following tasks to get a trophy:

    A Bird in the Hand... (Bronze): Collect every type of bird.
    A Good Man Is Hard to Find (Bronze): Achieve a camouflage index of 100%.
    Beekeeper (Bronze): Use bees to harass an enemy.
    Believe It or Not (Silver): Catch a Tsuchinoko (mythical serpent).
    Can I Keep It? (Bronze): Capture any animal alive.
    Charmer (Bronze): Collect every type of snake.
    Close Shave (Bronze): CQC Slit an enemy's throat.
    Don't Touch the Sides (Bronze): Use a knife to remove a bullet.
    Everything Is in Season (Bronze): Collect every type of fruit.
    Fashionista (Silver): Find every type of Camouflage.
    Fungus Among Us (Bronze): Collect every type of mushroom.
    Grounded (Bronze): Defeat Volgin in a fist fight.
    Houston, We HAD a Problem (Bronze): Defeat The Fury.
    I Can Totally See You (Bronze): Achieve a camouflage index of +90%.
    If It Bleeds, We Can Kill It (Bronze): Defeat The Fear.
    It Ain't Easy Being Green (Gold): Find all 64 Kerotans.
    Just Because (Bronze): Blow up a munitions shed with TNT.
    Just What the Doctor Ordered (Bronze): Collect every type of medicinal plant.
    King of the Jungle (Gold): Obtain title of MARKHOR.
    Like a Boss (Gold): Finish the game on any difficulty.
    Like He Just Doesn't Care (Bronze): CQC Hold up an enemy.
    Mama Said (Bronze): CQC Slam a guard and knock him out.
    Mostly Dead (Bronze): Use the Fake Death Pill.
    Only Skin Deep (Silver): Find every type of face paint.
    Pain Relief (Bronze): Defeat The Pain.
    PEACE WALKER (Gold): Finish the game without killing anyone.
    Prince Charming (Bronze): Shoot a Kerotan for the first time.
    Problem Solved, Series Over (Bronze): Problem Solved, Series Over (Bronze)
    Ralph Called (Bronze): Make Snake throw up.
    River of Pain (Bronze): Defeat The Sorrow.
    Serenity Now (Bronze): Call one Healing Radio frequency.
    Shagadelic (Bronze): Defeat Shagohod.
    Snake Bit (Bronze): Poison a guard.
    Snake Eaten (Platinum): Collect all Trophies.
    Snake Eater (Bronze): Eat a snake of any type.
    Snake Eyes (Bronze): See all of the first-person views that are not indicated by the R1 button icon.
    Tall Tale (Bronze): Collect every type of fish.
    Tell Me Where the Bomb Is (Bronze): CQC Interrogate an enemy.
    The Cat's out of the Bag (Bronze): Catch a glimpse of Ocelot, who's seen behind the president when he tries to shake Snake's hand.
    The Early End (Silver): Kill The End before the boss battle.
    The End (Bronze): Defeat The End.
    The Patriot (Bronze): Defeat The Boss.
    Them's Good Eatin' (Bronze): Collect every type of frog.
    Tune-In Tokyo (Bronze): Call every Healing Radio frequency.
    You Snooze, You Lose (Silver): Sneak up on The End and hold him up.
    Young Gun (Bronze): Submit Ocelot.

Metal Gear Solid Hd Collection Ps3 Black Screen


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