Work with Microsoft Office files



Work seamlessly in Microsoft Office files with Google Drive

In Google Workspace, you can still work with Microsoft Office files, even if you don't have Office installed.

You can:

  • Add Office files to Google Drive.
  • Keep your files in Microsoft format, even if you no longer have Office.
  • Convert Office documents and Adobe PDF files to Google Docs, Sheets, or Slides.
  • Work in Office and save changes to Drive.
  • Comment on Office files in Drive preview.
  • Email copies of Docs, Sheets, or Slides files in a Microsoft format.
  • Preview or download Office files that are embedded within other Office files.

Add Office files to Drive""

Save and access your Office files from Drive.

Open Office files in Drive""

Use Google Docs, Sheets, or Slides to edit, collaborate, and share your Office files. Files are saved in the original Office format.

If your Office file contains embedded Office files, you can:

Convert Office files to Google files""

If you and your colleagues are only working in Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides, you can convert your Office documents and PDF files to Docs, Sheets, or Slides.

  1. Open Driveand double-click an Office file.
  2. Click File and then Save as Google Docs/Sheets/Slides.

To automatically convert all future uploads of Office files to Google Docs, Sheets, or Slides:

  1. In Drive, at the top, click Settings "" and then Settings.
  2. Next to Convert uploads, turn on Convert uploaded files to Google Docs editor format.

    Note: Previously uploaded files will not be converted.

Work in Office and sync files to Drive (Office required)""

After you move your Office files to Drive, you can still work on them in Office and save your changes to Drive.

  1. If you haven't already, install Google Drive for desktop on your computer.

    This adds your Google Drive folder to your computer.

  2. On your computer, add your Office file to your Google Drive folder.
  3. In Office, click File and then Open and find your Google Drive folder.
  4. Click your Office file and click Open.
  5. Edit your file.

    Any changes you make to your file in Office sync in Drive.

Comment on Office files""

When you comment on an Office file in Docs, Sheets, or Slides, the comment appears in Office, too.

  1. Open Driveand double-click an Office file.
  2. Select the text, cell, or section you want to comment on.

  3. Click Add comment "".
  4. Enter your comment. To address it to a specific person, enter + and their email in the comment text. For example:
  5. Click Comment.

Share a copy of a file in an Office format""

If you're sharing a Google file with people who only have Office, you can attach a Microsoft copy to an email.

  1. In Docs, Sheets, or Slides, open the file.
  2. Click File and then Email as attachment.
  3. Under Attach as, choose Microsoft Word , Microsoft Excel, or Microsoft PowerPoint.

  4. Enter the email address, subject, and message.
  5. (Optional) Check the Send a copy to myself box.
  6. Click Send.

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